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Corporate Governance Principles Compliance Reports

VakıfBank's corporate governance principles are designed to drive the Bank forward towards sustainable growth, protect the interests of shareholders, as well as create value for stakeholders and shareholders.

Türkiye Vakıflar Bankası T.A.O. (“VakıfBank” or “Bank”) are bound by the Corporate Governance Principles established by the Banking Legislation, the Capital Market Legislation and the Turkish Commercial Code and relevant regulations and pays maximum attention to the implementation of these principles. VakıfBank embraces the principles of equality, transparency, accountability and responsibility as stipulated in the Corporate Governance Principles (“Principles”) published by the Capital Markets Board (“CMB”).

VakıfBank Corporate Governance Committee continues its efforts to improve corporate governance practices. The principles, which are not yet implemented and have not been applied yet, have not caused any conflict of interest among shareholders so far.

Information requests from stakeholders are met within the framework of the relevant legislation and disclosing the material events within the scope of Public Disclosure and the information and documents that should be presented to stakeholders are included in the “Investor Relations” section of the Bank's website.