Human Resources Applications

Fully aware of the fact that human resources play the most important role in achieving its sustainable growth strategy as well as the objectives of its restructuring project, VakıfBank carried on with its improvement efforts in recruitment, promotion, performance evaluation, career planning and training processes in 2010.

The number of domestic branches of the Bank increased to 634 at year-end 2010 from 543 at the beginning of 2010. A total of 1,496 employees were recruited due to the personnel needs of the newly-established units and newly-opened branches in 2010 whereas 572 employees left the Bank due to retirement, resignation or other reasons. The number of employees rose 9.1% to 11,077 as of year-end 2010 from 10,153 at year-end 2009.

As part of the new employee recruitment process, the Bank accepted applications from candidates with degrees from four-year banking-related departments and institutes of Turkey’s leading universities; candidates who try to improve themselves, hold advanced degrees, and are fluent in foreign languages were preferred.

Share of employees with undergraduate degrees increased from 70% at year-end 2009 to 77% at the end of 2010.

After the promotion trainings and exams conducted in 2010, of those having succeeded;

  • 273 supervisors were promoted to assistant manager,
  • 384 office chiefs were promoted to supervisor,
  • 379 assistant office chiefs were promoted to office chief,
  • 693 officers were promoted to assistant office chief in 2009.

The trainings identified in accordance with the training need analyses performed by the Training Department were conducted in a manner that meets the requests of all employees as well. 52,553 employees attended 1,821 classroom training sessions in 300 subjects in 2010; all in all, the employees received 384,546 hours of classroom training.

With an average number of 10,615 employees during the year, the number of employees who received classroom training was 8,224 while 6,047 employees attended multiple training sessions. Besides the classroom sessions, 736 e-learning sessions were conducted in 51 unique subjects, which were attended by 96,343 participants in total. The number of e-learning session hours totaled 134,677, while the entire personnel received several e-learning training programs.

The strategic goals of the Human Resources Department for 2011 are as follows:

  • In order to meet staffing needs of the existing units and branches as well as the newly-created units and branches; VakıfBank will continue to recruit assistant financial analysts, assistant specialists and trainee officers in 2011.
  • Specialist employees (assistant financial analysts and assistant specialists) who have completed their qualification periods will be given qualification exams.
  • In order to ensure the advancement of the Bank’s employees along their career paths and to meet staffing needs regarding authorized personnel, title promotion exam will be given to employees who became eligible to be promoted to an upper title in terms of tenure in 2011.
  • For conducting human resources application processes more efficiently and more objectively, revisions will be made to the Bank Personnel Bylaws, Specialist Employees Bylaws, Foreign Language Bylaws and Human Resources Department Duties Bylaws.
  • A schedule will be designed to make sure that employees take their leaves carried over from earlier years.
  • Performance of the employees who are already eligible for retirement or will become eligible in 2011 will be monitored. Those with declining performance will be retired while the ones who are still performing effectively will be retained.
  • The trainings identified in accordance with the training need analyses performed by the Training Department will continue with an emphasis on e-learning application.


Growth Rates
Unemployment Rates
Inflation Rates
Interest Rates
GDP - Industrial Production
Unemployment Rate
Benchmark Bond Compound Interest Rate
Budget Balance
Syndication-Securitization Loans
Net Period Profit/Loss