
Data Gathering and Calculation Directive for Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Data Gathering and Calculation Directive which was established in 2015 by the VakıfBank Environmental Management Service in order to determine the environmental impact reporting principles and methods was approved by the Board of Directors and put into use in 2016.


In 2015, VakıfBank disclosed information to CDP Climate Change Program which includes issues such as climate change strategy, risk management and carbon emissions. As a result of the assessment, the Bank achieved an accomplishment by scoring 91 disclosures points out of 100 in C performance band in the first year of its inclusion to CDP.

Emission Mitigation Targets

In order to maintain its success being achieved with its first CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) report, VakıfBank, with the approval of the Board of Directors, has adopted the following commitments towards mitigating carbon emissions emerged from its operations in 2016:

  • %2 reduction in annual electricity consumption per square meter
  • %2 reduction in annual natural gas consumption per square meter
  • %2 reduction in annual water consumption per capita
  • %2 annual saving in paper use per capita
  • Promoting practices that encourage employees to carbon mitigation

Carbon Neutral

VakıfBank, in order to neutralize the carbon emissions that occur due to the activities of 2014, has planted trees (roughly 16,000) on behalf of each employee in 2015. In the scope of this project which is also realized for the customers of housing loans, around 80,000 trees in total were planted in 2015.

Renewable Energy

VakıfBank provided 86% of its electricity consumption from renewable energy sources in 2015, and thus increased the share of renewable energy about 6% compare to that of 2014.